Not Mr. X

Pabla cracked me up last night. We were sitting around the table when it was David's turn to buy the beer at the bar. After he got up, Pab asked, "Is that Mr. X?" I was like, "No. You know who Mr. X is if you think about it." She did and she does.

Golf God was like, "Huh?" See, he reads Crime Dog's blog all the time but doesn't manage to remember to click over to mine very often so he had no idea what we were talking about. I can tell when he's been here because I'll get a comment from a really old post. For some reason, he can't post a comment on Crime Dog's blog so I get the posts, Crime Dog gets more hits. Am I bitter? Nah, Crime Dog's way funnier on a daily basis than I could ever hope to be on my best day.

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