They Musta Changed The Recipe

I got rejected when I tried to give blood last week - my iron was too low. That gave Sugar Daddy a reason to commence on his 'you need to take vitamins' lecture. He gave me the same speech a few years ago and even bought me some vitamins to put on my desk at work. His theory was that I'd see the bottle and therefore remember to take them. Didn't work out that way. The bottle just became another knick knack that I ignored.

This time, he put more thought into it. Knowing my lack of maturity so well, he went the route of children's vitamins. He figured the little characters would entertain me as I could bite their heads off and play with them. (Anyone who's seen me eat animal crackers or marshmallow peeps can easily picture that.)

It came down to Flintstones Chewables or Gummy vitamins. He knew the Gummys would be a sure thing but they didn't have iron so, Flintstones it was.

I thought, cool, this could work. I popped a purple Dino into my mouth and, at first, it tasted pretty good. About three seconds later, it was just nasty. These are not the Flintstones that I remember. The kind that you begged your parents to dole out an extra one or two each day. These have some sort of chemical taste that lingers long after you've eaten them. I tried the orange and red and they're gross, too.

Andrea seems to be OK with the flavor, though. She came back for a second one. Audrey tried one and, like me, thought it was okay at first. I told her, "wait for it..." and laughed as she spit it out a few seconds later. She told me she burped the flavor up again later that afternoon.

Sugar Daddy spent $16 on the Flintstones so I feel somewhat obligated to keep taking them. My process is to chew them up really fast then immediately wash them down with Diet Pepsi. It'll be worth when I can donate blood again.

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