No TV!?!?

Now that the TV season is officially over, what's a couch potato to do? No more Lost, Deadwood, 24, Desperate Housewives. And, those are just the shows I admit to regularly watching - I won't even go into the hours of reality TV that filled my week. Sugar Daddy is content watching reruns of reruns of King of Queens but that doesn't cut it for me. I've caught up on all of my TiVo'd World Poker Tour shows and have two NASCAR races to watch but after that...

Well, I do have five books lined up to read so that's good.

We tried to fill some TV time with some summer shows that we heard about on Howard Stern. They were talking about Dancing with the Stars and interviewed Rachel Hunter. Stern had seen an extended promo and thought it would be good. It's not.

Last night, we watched H1T Me Baby One More Time (another show we heard about on Stern). It's a music contest where 80s/90s musical acts perform head to head to move on to the next round. Oy vey, do those people look old! The lead singer of A Flock of Seagulls (the one that had the weird hair) has not been treated well by time. It was an interesting novelty but I don't think I'll go out of my way to watch more episodes.

I should have known better than to listen to Stern.

Oh well, Boston Legal and Battlestar Galactica will be back soon. In the meantime, I'll be logging a few more library trips.

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