Way to go, Devils!


Scoring summary:
Bottom of 8th Inning ASU: Tuffy Gosewisch singled home Curtis. Arizona St. 6, Florida 1
Bottom of 7th Inning ASU: J.J. Sferra singled home two runs. Arizona St. 5, Florida 1
Bottom of 5th Inning ASU: Colin Curtis singled home Jeff Larish. Arizona St. 3, Florida 1
Top of 5th Inning Florida: Jared Kubin singled home Gavin Dickey. Arizona St. 2, Florida 1
Bottom of 4th Inning ASU: Seth Dhaenens drove in Buck. Arizona St. 2, Florida 0
Bottom of 1st Inning ASU: Travis Buck solo homer. Arizona St. 1, Florida 0

I did get to catch the beginning of the game during lunch and, since the guys were all talking about printing presses and such that I don't care about, I got to watch it without interruption.

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