Hit By A Meme - Ouch!

I knew as soon as I saw El Capitan hit Crime Dog with this meme that it was coming my way. Since I can't figure out how to duck in the blogoshpere, I guess I'm stuck with it.

Anyway - the topic is "Five things that society at large enjoys, but that I just don't get..."

1. The Wave
Man, I hate this thing. I go to sporting events to, um, watch a sport. Not to watch a bunch of people repeatedly bob up and down in a mindless mob action.

2. Loud and Crowded Bars
I think I may be getting old(er), but I just don't want to spend an evening standing around in a crowd, trying to hear and be heard by my companions, strangers and the wait staff. I much prefer to go to a quieter place with a bunch of friends where we can sit down and actually converse.

3. Howard Stern
I'm forced to listen to Stern on our morning commute. While I think he's an intelligent guy and we share very similar political beliefs, I can't stand that every female guest is subjected to the 'take off your clothes' and 'have you ever made it with another chick?' comments. I'd say 'grow up, already!' but the guy's making a fortune with this crap so I'm sure he'll never change.

4. Oprah Books
Please, please, please don't make me read another book about downtrodden people who are doomed to miserable lives.

5. Technical Car Talk
Here's what I care about in my personal vehicle: do I look good in it and is it fast enough? Most car talk seems to be testosterone induced "mine's bigger than yours" babbling even if the "mine" is actually just stuff they heard about and couldn't ever afford to own. I don't care about short gears or spinners or racing breaks or hydraulics...unless it's NASCAR where that stuff is actually relevant to the sport. Then, I care.

And now, I'm going to do something that probably breaks some bloggers code and let this thing die right here. What can I say? I don't forward mass emails and I don't respond to chain letters so, sue me.

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