The Purpose of the Blog?

Pabla thought I was too personal in my discussions of Mr. X. I mentioned that to Crime Dog and his response was "Blogs are supposed to be personal." I then talked about it with Sugar Daddy and he agreed with Pabla but his idea of a blog's purpose is very different than mine.

Sugar Daddy has a blog. It's completely anonymous; I don't even know what it is. He finds it freeing to be able to talk about whatever he wants without fear of offending anyone. I think that completely fits his personality because he's not comfortable exposing himself to others. He thinks I made a mistake going public with my blog because I then temper some of my comments in order not to offend.

I, however, am all about the public eye and being front and center so an anonymous blog is not my style. I'm also not about controversy so I don't get into too many hot issues. A lot of people can engage in respectful debate but there are those people who get really personal in their arguments and I'm just not into that. I also don't think it's constructive to bitch about one of my friends when they've ticked me off. Hey, it happens, you get over it and you move on. Why make it worse by putting it on the internet?

I have decided if I do officially start dating Mr. X (not a sure thing, btw), I will ask him if he's comfortable with me blabbing on about it in this medium. I don't think I'd get too personal but my boundaries of what I share with others are much broader than most people's.

This was really a long-winded way to get to the gist of what I wanted to post about: I think if you asked 100 bloggers the definition of a blog, you'd get 100 distinct answers. And that's OK. And that's what makes reading them so interesting.

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