Book Review - Dragonfly in Amber

Outlander ended with time-traveling Claire pregnant and heading to Rome with her hot, Highlands husband Jaime. (I should mention here that she's a bit of a cradle robber and my idol for that. He's only 23.) The second book in Gabaldon's series, Dragonfly in Amber, starts in 1968 with Claire and her 20 year old daughter returning to Scotland from America.

WTF? Where's Jamie? What's going on? I was very cranky.

Finally, she gets back to the story from 1744. Claire and Jamie are actually in Paris trying to prevent Bonnie Prince Charlie from attempting to regain the Scottish throne because Claire, knowing what happens, has told Jamie that thousands of Scotts will die in the failed attempt.

We get lots of new characters and the return of the sadistic raper of men Jack Randall whom was presumed dead in Outlander. (I didn't believe it.) The couple end up back in Scotland and, well, I don't want to spoil it anymore if you're going to read it but it's good stuff, Maynard.

I do have one comment, though. Apparently nurses in the 1940s didn't know about fetal alcohol poisoning because Claire is constantly downing brandy or whisky throughout this book. It was probably healthier than the water of the time so I might cut her some slack on that.

Andrea loaned me the rest of the books but I have two book club selections to get through first. It won't be easy to stay away from these, though.

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