I Will Call Him George...Part Two

I think Sugar Daddy was feeling guilty about evicting George the frog and his girlfriend so he suggested I get a fish. I've lobbied for a fish before but he told me I wouldn't clean the bowl and the fish would die so no dice. I reminded him of his opinion and he responded with, "That's still true but at least I can just throw all of it out when the fish dies."

Being very familiar with SD's capriciousness, I jumped on it before he changed his mind. I headed to PetCo after work tonight and grilled the fish guy (get it? grilled the fish guy? It was purely an unintentional pun that I didn't catch until I proofed my post.) about what I need to take proper care of my new fish whose name is, of course, George.

George is really pretty. He's a mostly dark blue Betta. I checked out all of the Bettas in the place and he was one of the prettiest. The clincher was when I picked up his little bowl and he kept trying to swim towards me no matter how I turned it. I think he digs me...or, maybe he just thought I would feed him.

I'd post a picture of him in his new digs but SD took his digital camera with him to Prescott. The nerve! Assuming George is still alive when he gets back, I'll post a few images then.

BTW, my daily check of our fountain showed no evidence of George the frog and his girl's return.

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