Semi-unprofessional Bowling

I was several lanes away from Wastnawa at our Parrot Head Bowling event last night so I didn't see what he did.

But, I'm happy to report that I beat the Trash Talker 2 out of 3 games and took the last one from the Golf God as well. I think the beer was affecting GG at that point and I was happy to take advantage that. He's living the easy life now that his wife is pregnant and the DD for a while.

Steven had his highest game ever with a 175. I averaged somewhere around 127-8 which is awful if you're a real bowler but awesome for someone who hasn't thrown a ball in 2 years (that would be me, BTW).

I had a chance of a sweep against the Trash Talker but I frayed a nail in the third game which threw me off for a couple of frames. PJ loaned me a file and I did a quick repair that helped for a while but then it just all fell apart in the last four frames. I have a good excuse, though. When I got up this morning, I found a nasty blister on my middle finger. It actually hurts to type (are you feeling sorry for me yet?).

My parents came down to spectate and Evil Tom Hankins spent some time talking to my Dad. He was pretending to spill the beans on all the stories one doesn't want one's Father to hear but I knew he wouldn't really do that to me.

At least, I hope he didn't do it to me.

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