Feel Good Experience

Saturday morning found me heading to JC Penney's for back to school shopping with the Boy's and Girl's Club. There were 100 kids there from South Scottsdale who qualified for the program. By qualifying, I mean their families couldn't afford to buy them new clothes and supplies for the school year.

Pab, Maria and I did this last year. Pab's big into the B&G Club so she got us in on the action. This year, Doona, Azure and Robby joined us. Dan Davis from Channel 3 was there as well and shopped with one of the kids. Channel 3 was filming and we somehow ended up on camera. Go figure. I didn't see it but I heard we looked good so I got that going for me.

Here's how it works. You get assigned to one of the kids and they get $100 for shopping. If you want to, you can spend over the $100 out of your own pocket. That's an easy thing to do when you see how excited they are to get new clothes.

My girl this year is 10 years old and goes to my old grade school so we chatted about that. She's really into pink which I finally figured out after she picked out 2 pink belts and a pink purse. We did some major shopping - 2 pair of jeans, tennis shoes, half dozen tops, denim jacket, underwear, socks and the aforementioned belts and purse. Each of the kids also got a backpack filled with school supplies.

All of the kids were well mannered and very appreciative. All of the chaperones got way more out of it than the kids, though. It was such an awesome experience to be able to send these kids off to a new school year with new gear.

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