Lazy Weekend Recap

I really tried to do as little productive work as possible over the weekend. Here's a recap of what I did.

Movies Watched:

Four. The Incredibles: mildly entertaining but barely worth the $1.99 I charged to Sugar Daddy's PPV. Agent Cody Banks: better than I expected. I can't believe they made Arnold Vosloo look so unattractive. He's on my "do in a heartbeat" list. X2: I've seen this movie over a half dozen times. Why? Four words. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Friday Night Lights: Awesome movie! The actors playing the kids were so authentic seeming and Tim McGraw did a great job in his acting debut.

Poker Watched:

Three episodes of Poker Million, a British Hold 'Em series. Yawn. Leave it to the Brits to drain all of the fun out of poker by having a bunch of stuffily dressed, boring folk play my favorite game without much emotion or energy. I think I'm done with this show.

Trips to the Grocery Store:

Two. One for my regular shopping and one to buy laundry detergent that I forgot on the first trip. I used the last of what we had and I knew Sugar Daddy would come home from Prescott and not be happy he couldn't wash his clothes so I made a quick trip to the Target Greatland by our house this morning. That place sucks. The shelves are half empty (or should I pretend to be an optimist and say half full?) and they didn't have Tide for High Efficiency washers. They're going to get creamed when the Super Wal-Mart opens across the street from them.

Household Chores Done:

Not as many as I hoped to do. One load of laundry, one unload/load of the dishwasher and one bag of recycling taken out. I really planned on cleaning off the one kitchen counter that's become my dumping spot. There's a ton of papers, books, newspaper ads, my backpack and miscellaneous crap piled up there and I really wanted it to be all clean and pretty. Especially now that George is living on the same counter. I also wanted to clean out the trunk of my car. That so didn't happen.

Times Checking That George is Still Alive:

30? Maybe 40? Every time I went anywhere near the kitchen, I stopped to look at him and make sure he was still swimming around. I'm worried about his food. It's in what seemed to be little ball shapes but I think they're too big for him to eat so I'm convinced he's going to starve. Otherwise, he seems pretty happy in his tank.

Times Convinced That Someone Else Was In The House:

Probably about six. There's a strange sound effect when the washer is running. When I'm in my office, it sounds like someone's walking in the living room. I bravely checked it out every time because it was in the daylight. Thank goodness, Sugar Daddy is home again so he can confront the burglars while I hide and dial 911 in my room.

Books Read:

I'm embarassed to say I didn't finish one book. I'm reading this really depressing, 'we're all going to die because we're killing the environment' book and it's been tough to get through.

Plans That Took Me Out Of The House For Social Reasons:

One. Don invited me to the Dudley's to watch the race today (nice of him to include me in their plans but they were cool about it). We had a great time...except for Jimmie crashing and apparently getting a concussion. I just knew Stewart was going to win before the race even started (and called it) so I have that going for me.

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