This Is How Rumors Get Started

I got a phone call from my friend Roger with our bud Mary in the background. It went something like this:

R: Are you dating anyone?
K: Um, no.
R: Well, rumor has it you are. Do you have a roommate for the cruise yet?
K: No. I'm still looking for one.
R: Oh, well I heard you were waiting to see if it works out with who you're dating before you decide on a roommate.
K: I'm not dating anyone. I went to dinner with a guy about two months ago but that's it. You better check your source.
R: Well, that's just what I heard.

The whole time this is going on, Mary's chiming in basically saying the same stuff as Roger. Flash forward 1/2 hour when we were all together at Mary's house.

K: I don't know who your source is but they're wrong.
M: Maybe I just dreamt it but I swear someone told me you were dating some guy and you didn't want to tell him about the cruise because it's so far out and you didn't want to get stuck with him in case things didn't work out.

Now, this is somewhat plausible. Not the me dating someone but the me not wanting to commit to an event in the future. I've had some bad experiences with that...

Finally, Roger exclaimed:

That's my sister you're talking about! She booked a double on the cruise and just started dating this guy...

Now, why he didn't put 2 and 2 together before that, I don't know. I'm glad it got resolved though. I would hate for some guy who may be thinking of asking me out to hear that I'm hooked up. In the unlikely event that there is some guy out there thinking that, of course!

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