Hey, We're Trying To Eat Here!

I met up with the girls for lunch at Someburros yesterday. We were sitting at a table about 5 feet away from the soda machine and this man walked up to refill his drink. He was about 60, pretty heavy with a huge belly, wearing a short sleeved button down shirt about 2 sizes too big and extremely baggy Dockers. OK, got that picture in your mind?

As he was standing (with his back to us), his britches started falling down. He reached behind his back to pull them up and tried, one handed, to hook them into a suspender clip. Apparently he had suspenders on under his shirt. The pants kept slipping out of his hand, though, and each time they did we were subjected to really horrifying and expansive moon shots.

Stacey was the first to spot it and was trying to subtly get us to look when I happened to glance his way. My facial reaction was not at all subtle so the other girls quickly turned to look, too.

It was a train wreck. We couldn't look away. He couldn't hook his pants. We saw moon. We giggled while trying to be quiet.

He finally got them hooked back up, thank goodness, though not before the image was burned into our retinas.

What was intriguing to me (not his butt, thank you very much) was that he also had a belt on. Now, if you can't keep your pants up with suspenders and a belt you should maybe rethink your wardrobe choices.

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