This Just Sucks

I got a call from my Dad (Shorty) on Tuesday morning at work. He sounded all dramatic and that's not unusual. It's often some minor thing that he's making into a big deal. Wish that it were so this time.

He has colon cancer.

Apparently, he'd found some blood and his digestive system wasn't acting normally. Fortunately, his GP sent him in for a colonoscopy. Unfortunately, they found a large mass. It was obvious enough that the urologist pretty much flat out told them to expect a cancer diagnosis. The test results were sent to his GP and he made an appointment for Thursday morning to go over them, pick a surgeon and get the ball rolling on treatment.

I went with him to his appointment. My Mom had a cataract removed on Wednesday so Steven had to take her to a follow-up appointment so it was just me and Shorty.

The only papers his GP had gotten were the biopsy results. No pictures, no description of where in the colon it was or how large. With only that much info, there wasn't much he could do. He did an EKG and took blood in anticipation of the surgery and they decided the 'family' surgeon should be the person to do the operation. I guess as you get older, you spend a lot of time with docs as this surgeon has operated on both of my parents, my Mom twice.

The GP's office called Shorty this morning and said they got all of the test results and would fax them to the surgeon. My Mom and I both went this time. Unfortunately, the test results hadn't made it to the surgeon by his 11 AM appt.

Talk about frustrating! What we really wanted was these experts to have all the info in hand and give us the scoop but they could only talk in generalities. The surgeon did say that since Shorty's overweight he has a higher risk of infection and other complications. Great - though it's a good thing he's lost 30 pounds this year.

Shorty had a CAT scan (to see if his arteries were all clear) and a chest X-Ray this afternoon and he's scheduled for surgery on Wednesday at 11:30 AM. He would have preferred Monday at 7 AM but got in as early as he could.

One of his sisters and his brother are flying in from Wisconsin to provide support. It will be good to have them here.

I'm just trying to focus on good outcomes. It could be completely localized which means he'll only have to go through surgery. He's an expert at that after replacing knees and getting work done on his shoulders and back.

And now, I'm getting my friend Keith to take me out for beers.

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