This Early Bird Stuff Is For The Birds

I get a lot of crap for my banker's hours at work. I usually hit the office between 8 and 9 and it's often closer to 9. However, I also work late unless I have a social engagement to go to and there's at least one night a week that I'm there past 7 nearly every week.

With the big project I've got going on and some system issues we've had, I've been going in before 8. It's killer. But, it wouldn't be bad if I wasn't still staying just as late as I always do.

Between training, meetings (have I mentioned I joined another committee at work?) and our project my calendar is full. The only way to get my usual work done is to expand the hours I'm spending in the office. Working at home just isn't my style because I'll just end up finding something else to distract me.

Our email project will finish up in mid-April and I'm looking forward to going back to sleeping in and getting back to me banker's schedule.

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