Man, I am torn. Our own Senator John McCain, along with a couple of others, introduced legislation to deal with steroid use in professional sports. You can get the full scoop at USA Today . On one hand, don't our elected leaders have something better to do with their time? Like finding a winning solution to Iraq and Afghanistan so our men and women can stop dying and will not have died in vain? How about working on the economy or social security? On the other hand, professional sporting leagues have let steroid and other drug abuse make a mockery out of sports. More importantly, because there doesn't seem to be any consequence, kids today think nothing about using steroids to be stronger and leaner. After all, their sports heroes are doing it and allegedly, so is their competition. Who cares about the health risks? And, I'm sorry if you're a Barry Bonds fan and think he was clean, but come on! Get with reality. He was juiced and gets paid a gazillion dollars. What'...