Finally Putting My Laptop To Its Intended Use

I let Sugar Daddy talk me into spending $900 on my laptop because I was using the lack of one as an excuse to not start writing. I've toyed around with the idea of working on short stories and even had some ideas for novels but never got around to it. I used the excuse that typing on the PC at home is too uncomfortable. Weak. The real reason is that I don't like to do anything that I'm not already good at and I was afraid the stuff I put out would be crap. I also don't handle criticism well (Sugar Daddy would say not at all) so the thought of creating something and then actually showing it to people for feedback was scary, scary, scary.

I finally bit the bullet last night though. The night before, I'd had this intriguing story going through my head before I went to sleep. Usually, the details are gone when I wake up the next morning but this time they stuck. So, I took my laptop into my room at 10 last night and spent a big chunk of time working on capturing my thoughts. There's still a ways to go and it definitely needs some refining but it feels great to be creating something.

Maybe I should have started sooner. Or, maybe I just wasn't ready and now I am. Don't know. And, don't know if I'll have the nerve to show anyone the finished product but I'm at least determined to finish it.


wastnawa said…
I would love to read your stuff if you feel uncomfartable with comments about it I will keep quiet. Remember writting Is for yourself, if others enjoy reading it great, if not it simply was not for them. Write at your own pace, everything will come to you as it is intended. Write everything even if only one sentence or one word, file it and save for later or maybe never but write it and keep it. Early I was embarassed and did not save so much of what I wrote and really regret it. Now I have a briefcase full of notes and things waiting for the right time when i am ready.
Cheesehead said…
Thanks for the words on encouragement, Wastn!

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