The Forbidden blank Dance of Love

I went out last week with Ted, an old high school buddy, and his girlfriend Rhena to Rio Salado for a lot of fun and way too many beers. A little background about Ted: he's an engineer (used to be a rocket scientist which was much more glamorous sounding), an unabashed conservative who used to call me Pinkie because he thought I was a Commie instead of a liberal and he's one of the few people whiter than I am.

So, there we were laughing it up and telling stories when Ted said to Rhena, "You didn't like my Forbidden Toothbrush Dance of Love". (Or something to that effect, we were drinking microbrews so it was getting a little hazy.)

OK, the first thing that came to mind was that old joke where the couple's house got broken into and when they later developed film from their camera they saw a burglar with one of their toothbrushes up his butt. So, now I have this picture of Ted, naked with a toothbrush stuck somewhere I don't want to think about doing the only dance a white man can do, the Chicken Dance.

I am now scarred for life by that image.

Apparently, it's a game for them and Ted thinks it's erotic because it's "Forbidden". He just fills in the blank with something like "underwear" or, I don't know, "cucumber" and dances around like a geeky white guy.

Great, that's another scarring image, Ted with a cucumber.

I must drink more beer to kill those brain cells...

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