Movie Review - Revenge of the Sith

The Phantom Menace - sucked. Attack of the Clones, not much better. Revenge of the Sith, awesome! The dialog was crisper, the acting far above the previous efforts, the light saber fights incredible and the story line did a great job of tying into A New Hope (or Star Wars, as I still prefer to call it). I have to see it again just to catch all of the little plot points that are relevant to the future story line.

There wasn't much of the lighthearted humor and slapstick of the other films but it's kinda hard to be light when telling the story of a turn to the dark side. Especially, when the turn is filled with so many violent deaths. There are lots of dismemberments in the movie and a few truly horrific moments among the mayhem. There's also a couple of hanky moments in there, too. This is a fitting end to the saga.

The special effects were superb but didn't overwhelm the story. I mentioned the exceptional light saber battles already but there were also some fighter scenes and a one on one battle in the Senate Chamber that were really cool and realistic looking. The only clunker for me was the Droid General Grevious. His fight scenes were great but his moving and talking looked too CGI like for me.

If I haven't sold you on it already, let me give you one last point: Chewy has more dialog in the movie than Jar-Jar. 'Nuff said.

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