Concert Review - The Trailer Park Troubadors

Antsy and Flem of The Troubs

I was a half hour late to The Troubs show thanks to golf and a wrong turn. Do you ever fantasize about what you would do if you won a big Lotto? The first thing I would do is hire a driver. But, I digress. So, I was trying to very quietly sneak into the Cave Creek Coffee Company when the lead singer, Antsy, called me out, asked me my name and made me sit in a chair in the first row. So much for sneaking in.

The show was great as usual. These guys are really good musicians with a funny schtick. Their lyrics are hilarious. Some of my favorite tunes are It Ain't Home Til You Take The Wheels Off, Trailer Park in Heaven and Big Haired, Redneck Woman.

Antsy periodically goes into these Elvis like dance moves and pulled me up on stage to dance with him at one point. Things were going swimmingly until he said he wanted to dip me. I vetoed that. I got a rash of shit from everyone afterwards for being a glory hog. Look, I don't seek out celebrity, but if it's thrust upon me, I try to be a good sport about it.

Antsy also danced with Karen and belly-bumped Pimp Daddy so the Parrot Heads in general were popular.

While I was golfing, I mentioned to one of my foursome, Michael, whose show I was going to that night. I was blown away when he said he not only knew of The Troubs and had 2 of their CDs. He's from the South somewhere so maybe I shouldn't be too surprised.

I bought 4 of their CDs and have been listening to them in my car - gosh, they are so funny.


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