Notable (To Me) News

This story from The AZ Republic just sickens me. Three extremely malnourished children were taken from their home and their parents were charged with child abuse. The children are 3, 9 and 11 and weigh 12, 29 and 36 pounds respectively. The typical weight for their ages is 33, 69 and 87 pounds.

The parent's excuse? The kids were on a vegan diet because that's healthier for them. What a crock! Yes, vegan diets can be healthy but how do you not realize you're starving your kids?

What I want to know is, how much do the parents weigh? Are they less than 50% than the average weight for their heights? Somehow, I think not.

Here's another
item that bugged me. Arizona implemented the AIMS test to ensure that kids graduating from our high schools had certain levels of proficiency. Guess what happened? A bunch of kids can't pass the test. So, what's the answer? Lower the passing score, of course.

Here's an idea - how about instead of spending money on designing, implementing and defending this test, we hire some more teachers and increase the salaries of these grossly underpaid folks while we're at it?


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