Book Review - The Sun Also Rises

Our latest classic book club read was Ernest Hemingway's, The Sun Also Rises. I had tried to read one of his books a long time ago - I think it was The Old Man and the Sea. I have to admit, I couldn't get past a few pages. The prose was just too dense.

Ironically, I was the only one who liked The Sun Also Rises. Brooke hated it. Anne hated it. Susan just didn't like it. Their complaint was with the writing style. Almost all dialog, little description and the first half of the book had little action. I thought it was a deliberate style to represent the times.

The story takes place in post-WWII Europe and is about a group of Americans and Brits as they visit Paris (to party) and Spain (for the bullfights - so Hemingway). They're displaced and aimless and the writing style is very much symbolic of that aimlessness.

I didn't like it enough, however, to go, "Hey, I want to read all of his stuff now!"

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