Parrot Head Poker

Poker Guru Dudley and Poker Princess Kathy

Official Photographer Pabla and Good Loser Tom

Poker Winners: Tom, Annette and Bernie

Poker Loser (but a winner in life!) Mark in the Loser's Lounge

The club had its first ever Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament on Saturday. As the Poker Princess, my job was to get players, coordinate the evening and collect the money. That was easy. Winning was not. I think I was the third person out (of 27 total). Man, I had crappy cards. I saw one face card the whole night (on the hand that knocked me out) and had a wired pair of 7s which ended up being two pair but lost to a bigger two pair. No respect for the Princess!

There was a mixture of club members and their family and co-workers playing so I got to meet lots of new people. Eric brought two buddies from his work, Bob who was the unlucky person to be out first and Bernie, the tournament winner. Oh, that Bernie! He was throwing black chips out there like crazy and he was just freakin' hilarious. I asked Eric if he had a guy at work just like Bernie (he even drinks Miller Lite!), but single. Alas, the answer was no. He used the power of the big stack (though he was all in on one hand) and he got some awesome cards. Whereas I saw only one Ace, he was getting them all night.

The second place finisher was Eric's girlfriend Annette "I don't really want to play because I have ironing to do". OK, maybe that wasn't completely fair. She didn't actually say she was forgoing ironing but she was hesitant to play and Eric had to talk her into it. She played a great game, though, by seeing almost every flop and she got some good cards.

Third place went to one of Dudley's poker crew, Tom Reilly. Really, really nice guy who played well but couldn't get the cards at the end against those other two sharks.

Everyone had a good time and we raised about $700 for our charity fund so it was all good. I'm going to rethink my tight playing strategy for the next time so, hopefully, I'll get to play a little longer.

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