I Get The IKEA Thing Now

I drive by IKEA twice a day and it's been on my list of things to check out at some point since it opened. The weekend I left for Florida, they were having an anniversary sale with pretty much everything 15% off so I went on Friday when I left work early.

Holy crap, there's a lot of stuff in that place! I wandered around the upstairs which is the furniture floor for about an hour then started going through the downstairs houseware area when my brain just melted. I called Sugar Daddy and told him I was overwhelmed and couldn't make any decisions on what to buy. He told me he'd be there in 1/2 hour so I got a Diet Pepsi and hung out.

We ended up spending another 3 hours in the store. I think we sat on every couch and nearly every chair. We also looked at all of the bookshelves, TV stands and coffee tables...more than once.

See, I have very little furniture and need to fill my new place up. Here's what I currently have:

dining table and four chairs
three bookshelves
jewelry armoire
two drawer oak filing cabinet that doubles as a nightstand
self (poorly) assembled TV stand
bathroom hamper (also self assembled but done well)
CD holder
couple of lamps
437 knick knacks

Technically, I don't even own a bed. Sugar Daddy's letting me use his guest room bed and he's letting me take it with me. So, I need a lot of stuff. And, stuff IKEA has. I found all kinds of things I wanted. Sure, there were some really cheap things but there was also some really nice stuff, too.

We finally narrowed the selections down to a couch, a cool shelving unit for the dining room, and a couple of pieces to make an entertainment center. As I was sitting there computing how I was going to pay for all of it, Sugar Daddy asked me if I was sure I wanted that couch. I'd been hesitating only because of the price, it's a darn comfy couch. I said I did really like it and he then told me he was buying it as my housewarming gift. I know, I'm spoiled...sometimes.

Once we had everything picked out we headed down to the warehouse area to get the boxes with the other items in them. Pretty much everything at IKEA is do-it-yourself assembly so you just go downstairs, find your item on the shelf then cart it out. A lot of the boxes were heavy so picture two fat folk with chronically bad backs trying to load heavy, awkward boxes on to a rolling cart. It wasn't pretty but it was probably amusing to anyone watching us. I had all of the big boxes and the couch delivered to SD's until my move. It was all we could do to get it to the delivery area; there was no way we were carting it home in my Hundyai and his Benz.

Even the couch requires some assembly. I've figured out someone to do the manual labor. He doesn't know it yet, though. I'm going to get some Bud Lights into him then hit him up. Hope it works because I am so not skilled at that stuff and SD did a pre-emptive "No" to assembly work.

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