Nickel and Diming Myself to the Poorhouse

And by nickel and dime, I mean $50 and $100.

This moving is eating away at my savings account. It's actually more like gorging on my account. I've had two visits to Lowe's, one to K-Mart, one to Wal-Mart and one to Albertson's, so far...I think it totaled out to $500 or so. I'm afraid to add it all up. I'm also up for deposits and set up fees for electric, cable and internet and home owners insurance. All this before I even start paying a mortgage!

There's still more crap I need to get, too. Oh, and I have to pay the carpet cleaners tomorrow and the movers on Wednesday.

Oy, I'll definitely be sticking to a budget the rest of the year. And, I somehow have to fit in paying off the rest of my March cruise assuming I decide to still go. There's also some holiday with presents that I'm refusing to think about at the moment.

If anyone needs me, I'll be buying lottery tickets with my last few dollars...

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