Kill Me Now...Or, Give Me Really Good Drugs

I tweaked my back in Key West.  It completely seized up on me to the point where I went home to bed at 9 PM on Friday night.  That is just sick and wrong.
So, I've been babying it a bit and popping Advil like they're Smarties since I got back and some days are good, some are very, very bad.  Saturday night, I had another complete seize up only I couldn't go home because I was working the latest house concert.
Those of you who've had back troubles know where I'm coming from.  For those who haven't, here's an idea of how I feel.
Standing:  dull ache
Sitting:  dull ache with a little more pain where the back hits the chair
Leaning:  slightly less painful than standing
Twisting:  extremely painful
Bending:  excruciatingly painful
Stepping:  add to excruciating an extremely sharp pain on one side
The patio where the concerts are is multi-level so I tried to limit my movements as much as possible.  Someone slipped me a Soma which took all of the excruciating pain away (thank goodness) but I still was one sorry pup. 
Here's how bad it was:  I didn't even feel like drinking!  (Probably a good thing what with the Soma and all.)  I usually hang out after the show with John, Jeanne and the musician but this time I turned down some vino and headed home instead.  Dang it, the guy was Irish, too, so I'm sure I would have loved to hang out, chat and just listen to his accent.
Of course, I'm supposed to be packing and this has kept me from that...I have 10 boxes done and a gazilllion to go.  I'm thinking of loading up on some vino at home to dull the pain and start working on the kitchen stuff.  The books (and I have many, many books as you can imagine) will just have to wait.

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