Key West - I Felt So Cool Moment

I was hanging in front of the stage before the street fest with my new Des Moines friends and the other condo gang when I started talking to this Really Attractive (but older) Man next to me. We did the usual where are you from, what have you done this week stuff but then the conversation went like this:

RA(bo)M: Do you know Kelly McGuire?

Me: Sure, I’m his Phoenix limo service.

RA(bo)M: Do you know where he’s playing this week?

Me: Hold my beer a second.

I handed him my beer then pulled out my cell phone.

Me: Hey Kelly, it’s Kathy from Arizona. How are you doing?…Hey, where are you playing today because I’ve got someone here asking…OK, thanks, see you later. (To RA(bo)M) It sounded like he said White House Fort but he said it’s right across from the Hemingway House. (Turned out to actually be Lighthouse Court)

RA(bo)M: (looking totally impressed and amazed) I can’t believe you just called Kelly McGuire like that!

I was trying to act all nonchalant like I call professional musicians all the time but I was pretty damned please with myself and felt totally cool. RA(bo)M thought it was cool, too. He told the story to some of his friend and to Kelly the next day and he was still amazed by it.

I told Eric the story and the first thing he said was, “That’s going in the blog.” That Eric is a smart one.

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