Soon...The End To The Commute From Hell

I think all of the carpooling with Sugar Daddy had desensitized me in regards to how long our commute takes these days. The week before I went to Florida and since I've gotten back, however, I've driven on my own most days. I've discovered that what used to take 70 minutes at its worst is now 70 minutes on average.

That really sucks. People need to stop moving out to BFE as it's just going to continue to get worse.

What's kept me from going completely insane each day is the knowledge that the end of this daily torture is in sight. My future commute will be much, much shorter. I've done it in off peak hours in 15 minutes. The nice thing is that if the freeway is backed up, I actually have a reasonable option in driving the side streets.

I cannot wait!

Update: In full rush hour tonight, it took me 30 minutes driving the 202. If that's the worst it gets, SWEET!

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