Book Review - Beach Road

Beach Road is the latest collaboration between James Patterson and Peter de Jonge. They wrote Miracle on the 17th Green years ago and one of my prized possessions is a copy of the book, autographed by Patterson when I met him in my bookselling days. Really nice guy.

Good book (I mean Beach Road though I really like the other one, too) - the plot line involves the execution style murders of three White townies in the Hamptons which is blamed on a young Black basketball phenom. The chapters are told from the viewpoints of several of the main characters including the failed basketball player/small town lawyer who defends the kid, the kid himself, a NYC detective, a ruthless drug dealer and the former townie girl now big time lawyer who comes back to work on the case.

The style is typical Patterson; very short chapters, red herrings and plot twists abounding but compelling reading. I read most of it in one sitting and finished it in an afternoon.

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