We Gave A HOOT

I am often so very, very proud of the contributions The Arizona Parrot Head Club makes to our community. Saturday was a prime example of us doing some good and feeling really good about it.

We rented out a small theater and hosted 13 kids and 4 staff from a local Crisis Center. We bought each kid a snack pack of a small soda, popcorn and a small bag of candy. Kids being kids, they all wanted something different (Icee, big popcorn, etc.) but in the end they were satisfied with their snack. We also bought drinks and popcorn for the staff. They need treats, too!

In addition to the kids, we had 29 folks from the club in attendance: parents, 'keets (that's what we call members' kids) and grand-keets.

We got a little held up at the snack bar so the kids, staff, Steve (who coordinated the event) and I got into the theater just as the movie was starting. The gang had left the first three rows open for the kids and I sat in the very front with about 6 of them. Yes, my neck is still a little stiff from being tilted back so far. I can't believe I used to love the front row...another sign that I may be getting older.

I periodically looked over to see if they were behaving and having a good time and they definitely were doing both. It was awesome to see a whole row of little faces turned up to the screen and showing the same look of enchantment. I was worried that they might have been a little young for the movie but they got most of it and laughed at all of the right moments.

They were really thankful, too. Sure, there was some prompting from the staff to say thank you every once in a while but they also said it on their own. The little boy sitting next to me even gave me one of his candies. When the movie was over, he turned to me and said, "That was a really cool movie!"

Yep, moments like that can stick with you for a long time. He may have had a good time at the movie, but I got a huge warm fuzzie from seeing what a few dollars and a couple of hours in an afternoon could do to bring some joy to these kids' lives.

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