Must Accept I Live in the Desert

It's been rather toasty lately here in The Valley of the Sun. And when I say pretty toasty, I mean hot as hell. It's the kind of weather where you run from your air conditioned house to your air conditioned car to your air conditioned office as fast as possible in the fear that you will turn into a pile of smoking ashes if you're exposed to direct sunlight for more than a cumulative 30 seconds per day.

And, it's not even really summer yet.

The problem for me isn't necessarily the unrelenting heat. I just wear fewer and skimpier clothes to combat that. It's that I have to keep the house locked up in a vacuum seal to keep the ever so precious cool air inside. That makes for a stuffy house. Not gym sock smelly, more like old attic dusty. So, whenever we get a little cool spell, I like to open up the doors (with safety locks on, of course, so the axe murderers just don't waltz right in) and air the joint out.

Yesterday, we had a break in the temperature. I think it only got to somewhere in the 80s. However, it was freakishly dusty and windy all day. I looked like Cousin It just from walking from my car to my office. Definitely not a convertible day nor one to let the air flow through the house.

Today was not as cool but still cooler than it's been. I got home at 7 and it was only 87 outside. I thought, cool (actually that pun was completely unintended and I just noticed it while proofreading, I swear), let's open 'er up. I turned the A/C off, opened the front and back doors and turned on the dining room ceiling fan. Less than one hour later, my house had gone from 78 to 82 and I was a big sweat ball.

Don't know what I was thinking, really. I should have expected it would get warm inside. I just didn't think it would happen that fast. I never took physics so I couldn't make the calculation on that process.

I guess this means I'm sealed in until fall. Which comes some time in October or November and lasts about a week. So, I got that to look forward to.

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