It's Almost As Bad As Crack

Hello, my name is Kathy and I'm a bookaholic.

I've read 5 books in the last 4 days. That's not all I've done. I went to work, to dinner and to a concert on Friday, a BOD meeting and club bowling function on Saturday and out with the family today.

However, nearly every other waking moment was spent reading despite having lots of other things to do. (For those keeping track, I'm still not unpacked. I did buy another bookshelf for the guest room but it's still sitting in the box.)

I just couldn't stop. I found myself making mental deals:

Take the garbage out and you could read another chapter.

If you clean the bathroom, you can read for another half hour.

Is that the behavior of an addict? I'm thinking it may be.

At least it's not drugs or alcohol. I mean, no one ever killed themselves by reading too much, right? Looking on the bright side, I may be fighting compulsive behavior but I'll have plenty of book review material coming up. I'm sure the Jello Shot Prince will be excited about that.

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