Good Finale for 24

Give it up for the crazy First Lady! At the beginning of the day, she was a boozy, drugged up nutjob. At the end, she managed to get her scummy, treasonous husband to spill the beans on his whole crazy plan and she saved my Aaron from certain death.

Unfortunately for her, she did have to have sex with Charles (trying to not vomit at the thought) but, according to the timeline and no surprise to me, it only appeared to last about 3 minutes. I predict she will have Aaron between the sheets in no time. After she douses her entire body in Lysol to get the Charles stink off of her, of course.

I think there will be some other hookups. Buchanan and Karen (he's hot for an old guy), Chloe and her sexy in a Eurotrash way ex-husband (who knew?) and Jack and Horse Face...I mean Audrey. (BTW, you'd think someone would have told her it's not appropriate for the office to wear a black bra under a sheer white blouse.)

Oh wait, this being 24, Jack isn't allowed to be happy. I knew when all the bad guys were dead and there was still some time left on the clock that Jack's bad day wasn't over. I wasn't surprised when he got jumped at the end but I thought it was going to be Charles' conspirators. I had completely forgotten about the guy from Rush Hour but, as he exposited, the Chinese do NOT forget.

I think the best moment of the finale was when Buchanan gave Chloe the picture of her and Edgar. I teared up, I admit it. I'm going to miss Edgar.

Can't wait for January...and here's to hoping a shirtless Wayne Palmer emerges from wherever they stashed him (still at Buchanan's house?) for my viewing pleasure.

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