My Kingdom for a Key

I've got lots of pics and stories from our PHINS to the West weekend but I need to get this particular story done so I can let it go...I'm not so good at that letting go stuff, though.

My roomie, Norene, and I got checked into the hotel on Friday afternoon. They let us in before our room was cleaned which ticked off the maid a great deal but we just dumped our stuff in a corner and asked her to work around it. It was no big deal to us.

A while later, I came back to the room to change and my key didn't work. It flashed me back to when we used to stay at the Key Largo in Vegas. I don't think I ever had a stay there where my key didn't demagnetize itself. Anywhooo, I was headed back to the lobby when Julia came by and offered to let me call from her room.

Security came up with a new key...which didn't work.

Fortunately, Norene came back to the room so I got in to change.

Later that day, I went back to the front desk, got another key and headed up to my room.

It didn't work.

I went back to the front desk and said, "I have to tell you that I'm a little upset at how many times I've had to try to get a key." I think they just thought I was an idiot who couldn't work the door because one of the reception people made two keys and walked back up with me...probably to show me how to work the lock.

Those two keys didn't work.

The next step was to send an engineer up. As I was sitting there waiting for the engineer, I started thinking about all the fun that was going on downstairs and how I was trapped in the damn hotel room and I got incredibly antsy. Tom the Engineer showed up just in time before I went completely nuts. He had more keys with him.

They didn't work.

However, the lock worked with his master key and Norene popped in again and showed that her key worked. Tom went off to get the front desk to make some more keys. He came back with 5 or 6.

None of those keys worked.

Tom was stumped. I was fed up and not willing to wait in my room anymore so Tom went back to the front desk and made a deal. They were going to manually make several keys, come up and try them and, if one worked, leave it on the dresser.

Um, yeah, there was no key ever left on the dresser so I spent the rest of the weekend having to track down Norene to get into our room.

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