Downtown Chamber Series

We caught the latest bi-monthly Downtown Chamber Series event on Friday night. It was at the Bentley Projects, an art gallery that's in a very cool, bricked industrial space and filled with really expensive pieces that I often look at and say things like, "Who would pay $90,000 for that!?!"

There were 6 musicians this time playing the piano, clarinet, two violins, viola and cello. They took turns performing and the music was awesome. Adding a clarinet into the mix made it so interesting and different from the usual strings and piano thing. It didn't hurt that the clarinet player, Alex Laing, was hot either. They got through the first half of the performance and all of us girls were atwitter over him.

They played a clarinet trio by Mozart, three elegies for clarinet and piano by Peter Schickele, a cello sonata by Brahms and closed out with an overture on Hebrew themes by Prokofiev.

My favorite pieces were two of the elegies: Song for Bert and Ceremony. Distinctively different, they both managed to entirely captivate me.

The next event is in July. I hope my schedule permits me to go because, for only $10, these performances are a great value and a nice exposure to music I wouldn't hear otherwise.

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