Movie Review - Napoleon Dynamite

I felt like I was the only 'semi-cool' person left on the planet who hadn't seen Napoleon Dynamite. Because I try to stay versed in current culture, I knew about "Vote for Pedro" but I hadn't seen more than a few minutes of the flick. And, I only saw that much because Steven was watching it for the Godonlyknowshowmany time.

So, I recorded it on my DVR and decided to watch it last night.

Oh, so dumb but so hypnotically compelling. I was so hooked into it that I even paused when I was adding a new coat of polish to my toenails because I didn't want to miss a gesture. What a collection of characters! They all just slayed me.

It was one of the movies that you either 'get' or you're going to hate. I can picture Shorty walking out of the room 2 minutes into it and I can also see why Steven's watched it Godonlyknowshowmany times.

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