Finally Got Together!

A couple of girlfriends and I get together every few months to touch base. We used to go to Rio Salado Brewing Company (God rest its soul) but now hang out at Sportsmen's.

We finally got together last night after an utterly ridiculous stretch of rescheduling. We actually cancelled 6 times before we finally met. Each of us had to nix it two times for work, sickness and HOOT (that last incident was me).

It just shouldn't be this hard to spend times with your friends.

The good thing is that we had plenty to talk about. I love that we all seem to give each the other the same amount of time to tell our stories. There are no conversation hogs there, nor are there any non-talkers.

We got completely caught up (they didn't even know about Steven's ankle, that's how long it's been). They're both married so they don't have the single escapades that I do (man, I wish I had more to tell them) but they have plenty else going on in their lives.

I found out that one of my friend's husband has the bartops from Rio Salado. They're really cool and made of thin layered wood strips. They're going to put one in their living room and put the other on wheels so they can take it to the patio or keep it inside for parties and such.

I hope they have a party soon. Though, I can make no guarantees that we'll all be able to make it.

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