
I love (other people's) babies. They're so warm and snuggly and I don't think there's a prettier sight in the world than seeing a baby sleep. I can watch them for hours.

I got to see my friend Stacey's new baby tonight. She's 9 weeks old and cute as can be (and Stacey will be the first to tell you that). We played chick poker at their house and I was the first to arrive. The baby was in her seat on the dining room table and I made some faces and tickled her. As soon as Stacey was out of the room, I told the baby I was freeing her and broke her out of the seat.

Chris showed up and I offered to hand the baby over (even thought I didn't want to). She got fussy pretty quickly so Chris passed her back. The key to keeping a baby happy is to keep them moving. I did a lot of swaying back and forth and some light jiggling and all was well.

Princess in training.

Apparently, she's kinda fussy for a lot of people (inculding family members) but loved me. That didn't give me a swelled head or anything. I pretty much held her the entire night except for her short nap while we ate dinner and a little bit after that when Stacey had her. None of the others in the group wanted to hold her; I think she was too little for them.

I think she's going to take after her Aunt Kathy. We played poker and she was fascinated by my chips and it really appeared like she was studying my cards. I told her to not play like her Mom but to learn from me. It's never too early to instill card sense.

She finally got bored by the game and by sucking on her little fist and fell asleep all snuggled up against my chest. It was so sweet. I didn't want to hand her back to Stacey to put her to bed but, at that point, I was having to have people show me my cards and put in my bets because it was taking two hands to hold her.

The fact that she never actually cried or spit up on me made it a perfect baby evening.

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