I Didn't Run So Why Am I Limping?

The Arizona Parrot Head Club worked a water station at the PF Chang's Rock "n" Roll Marathon on Sunday. We had the last water station on the full marathon route so by the time the athletes got to us, they were pretty zoned out.

The water station workers were pretty zoned out, too.

I figured out later the only time I sat down between the hours of 6:30 AM and 3:00 PM were my few trips to the Porta-John. I guess that explains why my legs feel so stiff.

I have a problematic left leg with a sciatic nerve issue and a painful heel. Usually, it's only sore first thing in the morning. I limp out of the house and by an hour or so into the work day, I'm good to go.

Yesterday and today, I've been sore every time I've gotten up to walk. I limp along for a few minutes then it works itself out and I'm okay.

Usually, I would just chalk it all up to "It's hell getting old" but Steven complained yesterday about his sore ass (I think he meant his upper leg muscles were sore). He's clearly younger than I am (it's hard to argue that when it's your kid you're talking about).

Imagine how we would feel if we had been running...

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