Health Nazis

Part of my company's mission statement is "improve world health". Our CEO is an MD and his wife is a DDS so they're pretty much into the healthy stuff and walk the talk.

There's been a lot done over the past few years. We banned smoking on company property but offered on-site smoking cessation classes. When our newest building went up, a gym was put in. We've had Weight Watchers and now Kronos weight management classes on-site. There's a Yoga/Pilates class on some afternoons in my building. Last year, they implemented a policy that you had to get your teeth cleaned or pay a premium on your health insurance.

All good stuff.

But, they've gone too far.

The latest "helping us to be healthy" decision is to phase out all of the "junk" food from the vending machines. They're now loaded with various types of baked chips, pretzels, granola bars, and animal crackers. The only chocolate left are dark M&Ms and chocolate covered raisins. I expect those will disappear soon.

I'm sorry but there are times when you absolutely need a candy bar.

Someone's going to make a fortune on a black market Snickers operation...

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