Almost Perfect Weather...

This is the best time of year for living in the Phoenix area. The day temperatures are around 80 and the nights are in the neighborhood of 60. You can run around all day in shorts but the nights are cool enough to throw the doors open and enjoy the fresh air.

I actually wish it were just a tad colder. I can't wait to have my first fire of the season but it's still a little too warm. I love coming home from work and throwing on a 3 hour log and watching the pretty flames. Seems quite romantic but not so much when you're all alone.

Not that I'm completely alone now. It's going to be interesting to see if George can make, and retain, the mental connection between hot fire and the fireplace. I cleaned ashy paw prints up this weekend again so she hasn't heeded the "Mommy doesn't want you in the fireplace" message.

Oh, and the biggest reason why this is the best time of the year here? All your friends in the cold climes start be-yatching about snow and ice storms and you get to say, "Yeah, it's cold here, too. I had to wear long pants last night."

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