Baby Time!

Andrea, Sugar Daddy and I went to lunch with our friend Maria and her baby. He's not so much a baby anymore because he turns 1 next week.

He's the biggest kid I've ever seen. How big is he? His wrists look like cankles and his cheeks are almost as big as mine.

He's adorable, though. We kept him somewhat entertained with giving him his lunch and him dropping things for me to pick up but the adult talk finally got to him and he got bored. Maria took him out of his high chair but he wasn't content to sit on her lap. He's not quite walking (he actually scoots on his butt to get around) but he will walk if he can hold on to your fingers.

I took him for a walk around the restaurant and we stopped at a table of ladies who thought he was cute. He'd actually been watching them while they were eating so he was quite willing to say hi. Quite the flirt there. We walked until he was done - I interpreted his sitting down on the floor mid-stride as being done. I was happy since I got my quality baby time in.

I loves me the babies!

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