I'm So Naive

I actually believe people when they say they are going to play nice and then I'm disappointed when that doesn't happen. I should know better with some people by now but I guess I don't.

What can I say? My cat even pulls things over on me so people can have a field day.

The latest George antic? I don't know why I thought she wasn't on every surface in the house since I can't keep her off the table and the counter. But, I thought the bathroom counter was safe from kitty trips. Not so.

The other night, I went on a shopping spree at Ulta and hadn't put away all of my purchases before going to bed. When I got up in the morning, my new mascara was in the sink and one of my eyeliner pencils was on the floor. Fortunately, unchewed upon.

I'm sure George would say it's all my fault. Just like the people who disappoint me - it's my problem, not anything they do. In George's case, she would say (if she spoke) that if I would only get up and play with her at 4:30 in the morning, she wouldn't have to find things to amuse herself with in the bathroom.

I give up. George is untrainable and some people are just petty and mean.

Fortunately, George can't do major damage and most people are nice. And, I have it within my power to not associate with the petty and mean.

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