I'm Not Completely Helpless

Ya know, pre-The Rocket Scientist, I actually managed to get around on my own. I roamed all over the place just like I do now with him. Successfully, I might add.

This past weekend, he was not available to be my driver. Yet, I was able to drive to and from poker on Friday and to and from Tucson on Sunday. Based on the many comments I got, this was apparently quite surprising to a lot of people.

"You drove yourself?"
"You didn't get a ride with someone?"
"Where's your boyfriend?" (A quickly corrected assumption.)

Even TRS commented on it. I quote: "Your drove! Wow! I thought you would have hitched a ride with somebody." The typo is his.

Geez. I'm starting to get a complex. It's bad enough that everyone looks past me to see if TRS is with me because they like him so much; now they think I'm incapable of going anywhere at all without him. (Or my backup driver, Steven.)

It's almost enough to make me dump him as my driver. And maybe I will. After our next planned excursions are over, of course. That will take us well into 2009. I'm sure I won't have forgotten how to drive by then.

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