
Malik Yoba, Laura Mennell, David Straitharn and Warren Christie

I've been looking forward to watching Alphas and declaring Monday night my all Syfy TV night with its lineup of Eureka, Warehouse 13 and Alphas.

Unless Alphas gets better, fast, Monday will be my almost all Syfy TV night.

The premier episode was just meh. I felt like we've seen the story before and better told. A group of super humans secretly working to battle crime, kindly professor like leader, seemingly uncaring Government type in charge, a shadowy villain and quirky characters.

I realize it was an introductory episode to meet the characters but I saw through the plot from the get-go. That left me with nothing to think about except that it wasn't very interesting.

Not even Ryan Cartwright, who will always be Dr. Nigel-Murray from Bones to me, and David Strathairn, fabulous actor, could get me jazzed about Alphas.

I'll give it a couple of episodes more but it needs to grab my attention soon or I'll give it up. I have plenty of other shows to watch.


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