I Am Not An Addict!

When I got home from work on Friday I noticed that my phone battery was low so I plugged it in to the charger. I then completely forgot about it.

It wasn't until we were at our friends' house and standing around BSing when I had the sudden realization that something was missing. I tapped my pocket to verify then had a brief panic moment. Of course, the boys were all over it. "Oh, no! What are you going to do without your phone? How will you be able to stand it?"

My response? "It's OK. I'm here with my friends and that's what matters." I also knew if we needed to look something up, I could get The Rocket Scientist to do it on his phone. Just like the old days before I had data.

That wasn't the end of it for the guys, though. I lost count of how many jabs were made about my phone-less status. There was rubbing it in, "Oh, can you send me a text? Oh, that's right, you don't have your phone!" Etc, etc, etc.

I will admit that there was one point where I was all alone while everyone else was changing into their bathing suits when I would normally have pulled out my phone to check my messages but I got past it.

The Rocket Scientist couldn't even let it go on Saturday. He had to take the "Do you have your phone?" shot with a snicker as we were leaving my house. Sigh. Seriously, the joke was well and truly dead by then.

Yes, I admit I'm often checking my phone. But, I can easily give it up when we go to Mexico and I'm trying to be better about ignoring it when I'm with friends. I only check when I'm with TRS when he checks his. (Which is less often than it used to be but he still does it.)

I think they should thank me for providing them so much amusement on Friday. It was clearly one sided because, frankly, they just weren't that funny.


Rubicon said…
Geez. A bit sensitive are we?

Cheesehead said…
No, I'm not. You guys made it a much bigger deal than it was and you were ridiculously proud of yourselves for doing so. ;-)
Jello Shot Prince said…
It wasn't a big deal, yet you chose to make an entire blog entry about it? I'm thinking that maybe we didn't make a big enough deal about it!

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