New TV Shows

I picked up a few new shows to watch but have only checked out two so far. The rest are still on the DVR.

Falling Skies

I had high expectations for Falling Skies since Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks is involved. I have to admit that those expectations haven't been met. It's not horrible but it's not great. Part of it may be that I'm struggling to see Noah Wyle as a badass. He's a college professor who is fighting the aliens that have invaded the Earth. They try to make him scholarly but at the same time the brave fighter dude.

The other issue is that it just drops you in to the rather chaotic story. It's months after the invasion and there's a militia formed to fight the aliens and protect the citizens. It took me two episodes to figure out the plot and the characters.

Actually, the more I think about it, the more I want to call this show the poor man's Battlestar Galactica. They're already redoing some of the issues of BSG: the rights of the citizens vs the military, the enemy may not be so different from us, etc. Falling Skies just doesn't do it as well as BSG.

I'll probably keep watching because it's sci-fi and Noah is pretty to look at. I don't know that it will last more than a season unless it gets better though initial ratings look OK for a TNT show.

The Nine Lives of Chloe King

I've not read the books that The Nine Lives of Chloe King are based on so I only knew it was about a girl who discovers she has super powers after dying. I've watched the first three episodes and I like it despite a few things that I find somewhat offputting. One is an apparent coincidence of two characters meeting and I'll leave it at that to not make this a spoiler. The other is that Chloe and her friends are so immediately accepting of her situation.

I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty freaked out if my friend could suddenly sprout claws, see in the dark and, oh yeah, told me she died and came back to life. Hell, I'd be pretty freaked out if it were me that suddenly had cat like abilities after croaking.

I'll stick this one out for a few more episodes. Mostly because I like the supporting characters (especially Chloe's best friends).


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