Let's Hear it for Modern Medicine

My blood pressure was 128/92 a few weeks ago and that sent me to the doctor. It was even higher when I saw him but I think some of that could have just been anxiety.

After one week on Lisinopril, I had it checked again and it was 118/72. That's a significant improvement!

The potential side effects from the meds are hives (rare), dry cough (more common and won't go away until you stop taking it) and death (extremely rare). Seriously, I think they must put death as a potential side effect on every drug just to cover their asses during possible litigation.

One thing that both my doctor and the paperwork with the meds failed to mention was that if you have a quick drop in BP (especially the top number) in a short period of time it causes fatigue. The woman who took my BP yesterday told me that.

Well, that certainly explains the early bedtimes for me of late. I'm a confirmed night owl and it's nothing for me to be up until midnight or later most nights of the week. I've been heading off to the land of nod before 10 PM. I thought it was strange but not in a WTH? way but more of a curious series of events.

Hopefully, I'll be back to my usual routine soon. I miss too much when I'm sleeping.


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