Book Review - The Fifth Witness

The Fifth Witness (Mickey Haller, #4)The Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I bought this book when Connelly spoke at a presentation put on by The Poisoned Pen. I thought he was very thoughtful, intelligent and forthcoming about working with Hollywood on turning books into films. It was a good evening.

This book finds Mickey Haller turning to the mortgage foreclosure market to make ends meet. He's defending homeowners from unlawful seizures of their homes. (A real issue going on today.) One of his clients is arrested for killing a banker whom she blames for trying to take her house.

With a nice blend of the lawyer life and personal life, Connelly makes Mickey a sympathetic character. He's a defense attorney and accepts that he may be setting free guilty parties but Mickey knows it's honorable to mount the best defense he can. And, he struggles with that.

I'm looking forward to the next book coming out this fall.

View all my reviews


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