Movie Review - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part Two

Alas, poor Severus, we hardly knew ye.

Well, it's officially a complete experience for me. I just got home from the final movie and it was worth the 2 plus hour wait in line. We got third row behind the rail in the center. Perfect!

Wow, where to start with the praise on this one? The pathos as favorite characters died, the fantastic destruction of Hogwarts, the sweetness of Hermione and Ron (I'm still looking for a Ron), the heroics of Neville and Harry, the awesomesauce that is Professor McGonagall, the opportunity for Ralph Fiennes to finally show his acting chops in the series, the cameos from most of the great actors who've appeared in previous movies, the fine bits of comedy that lightened the darkness of the plot? Too many fine moments to choose from.

It was all very well done. Even the scene I absolutely hated in the book (Harry and Dumbledore talking in Harry's head which was a lazy way to explain the story) was nicely presented. And, seemed much shorter than in the book.

It was truly a worthy ending to a fantastic series of movies.

I'm going to miss this world. And, I'm going to miss Severus Snape most of all. Yes, I teared up in the flashback scenes of Snape and Lily. Alan Rickman made Snape my favorite character.


Sugar Daddy said…
I wish they had spent a little more time on the telling of Snape & Lily, but I know it's hard to fit all the good stuff in because that book was dense.
Cheesehead said…
I agree. I wouldn't have minded another 20 minutes in length to show more of that and the battle at Hogwarts.

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